Selected Artworks

Selected Artworks

Light cathedral

A selection of artworks I have done in the past.

All of them are an exploration around the tension between the concepts of utopia  and dystopia.
They are a reflection on the different images that have been created in the past on the theme of a new possible future.

cathedral transform 2D to 3D
design cathedral sketches
design cathedral detail
Isolated Building 001
Isolated Building 005
Isolated Building 002
Isolated Building 007
Hugh Ferris chiaroscuro
metal acid ball result
Hugh Ferriss - Temple
realistic looking rocks towers
realistic looking rock detail
realistic looking rock detail
realistic looking rock detail
8-sided building on black rocks
Isolation in the dark sketchup
isolation in the dark detail
snow mountains trees skyscraper
Snowy mountains production detail
Realistic mountains night version
snow and flow maps detail 01
temple top of mountain
tessellation 1 result 3 dark
tessellation 1 dark detail 06
Project Mega
Project Mega blueprint
Project Mega blueprint
Chiaroscuro Temple details 3
black as a colour
Beautiful Dystopia – White

Beautiful Dystopia – White

Everything you can imagine will be possible one day.
If it exists within the boundaries of the laws of physics and our technology keeps on improving it will be possible.

With the advancements made in artificial intelligence and virtual reality the amount of possible futures is becoming inconceivable great. The future has never been more uncertain.

Video games evolved from Pong in 1972 to massive online multiplayer games that look almost photo-real. What will video games look like in another 40 years? Will the gaming-world be distinguishable from the real world?

How can we be sure that we are not living in a video game ourselves?

New technology will bring the possibility of a true Utopia. Will the new wealth be distributed equally amongst the world population?